The slots (plural: slots) in a computer are used to store information. The size of the slots is a function of the system’s memory architecture and the number of available processors. Often, the slot size is asymmetrical: it is larger on one side than on the other.
The smallest portion of time or space in which something can be inserted or placed. Examples of the use of slot include ‘to place in a slot’ (narrow aperture) and ‘to assign someone to a slot’ (gap in schedule or sequence). See also hole, vent, slit, opening, berth, position, spot, window, niche, vacancy, time, place, time-slot and slot time.
A casino slot machine is a mechanical device that takes coins or paper tickets with barcodes and gives them out as credits. Each reel on a slot machine is weighted differently, so the player is more likely to hit high-value symbols early on in a spin than later on. This effect is known as the house edge and it is why casinos try to limit the maximum amount of money players can win on their machines.
When a reporter or photojournalist misses their slot, they are showing that they do not care about the team and are not a reliable contributor. It is not uncommon for the station to fire them if they are chronically missing slot. It is also not good for co-workers to bad mouth them behind their backs. It is important to inform the producer or EP immediately if you are going to miss your slot.